Reading Response 4 – Poem.

A Chance of Hope

On a road traveled, overgrown with time

Now a footpath memory, of bittersweet pines

The sign, with a smile, marks a turn, taken

Leading down to a tree, where first love was forsaken

A raging river of life, which flowed unbridled

Reduced to a stream, narrowing and idle

Where seeds of love, were sewn to the winds

Now echoes of lovers, reverberate within

Hallowed ground for a heart, with unbearable wounds

Once a cradle of love, now a visited tomb

Like a miner for gold, panning sands of time

With unstoppable tears, of melancholic brine

As the sun breaks through, the glint of a shard

Glitters in the light, like a twinkling star

Suddenly as despondency is relieved by hope

Panning faster, more appear, thawing love with a jolt

The stream rises and rushes, in response to the melt

Flowers bloom, birds sing, as new warmth is felt

Standing and smiling, pocketing the gold

Returns to reality and hopes love will grow

I read the poem, A Chance of Hope by Daniel Turner, and I interpreted the poem as he is exploring the idea of hope and its role in our lives. In the poem, Daniel uses rhyme and imagery to bring across the idea that without hope, all the wonderful things in our lives could not be brung about. Hope plays an important role in our lives and the way we live them. We live with expectancy and in bad situations, we can be “relieved by hope” that we can recover and learn from our mistakes. Turner is mainly exploring the idea of hope and love and how they intertwine to create a “ new warmth” of a relationship. I believe that hope is interconnected with every part in our lives and I have experienced the power of hope very frequently. In a recent sporting event, I took part in, I was competing with a good friend in a ski to bike race from the top of Cardrona to the bottom. I had not trained for the event but as a past time, I bike almost every day. I went into the race hoping and believing I could do well and came out with 2nd. This could be expanded to the larger world on a larger scale. A combination of training, hard work, and preparation mixed with hope and self-belief are the winning attributes in any discipline. Relating back to the ideas expressed by Turner in the poem, Love and hope are tightly interlocked as all you can do are be your own person and hope that you liked for who you are.

Another strong theme apparent to me in this poem is the idea of the natural cycle of life, ups and downs, twists and turns, experienced by everyone. The poem starts with positive imagery of “bittersweet pines The sign, with a smile, marks a turn” which gradually descends into an increasingly negative space, with “unstoppable tears”, at rock bottom, only to rise again towards a brighter future. This captures the emotional rhythm of life and the changeable world experienced by humankind. Turner uses the striking images of nature to express his inner feelings, taking the reader along on his journey. This creates a symbolic experience of deeper meaning with the hope being the powerful undercurrent that pulls Turner through. The use of nature to capture and communicate emotional meaning can also be seen in ‘Sixteen Trees of Somme’  where the author uses wood as an analogy to express a deeper meaning.

Reading Response 3 – Extended Text.

Script Publication, Fantasy

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Author J.K Rowling

The latest story of Harry Potter is a tale of bravery, redemption and time travel. Albus Potter is a young wizard who is the son of the great Harry Potter. Although for Albus this is no honor, he wants nothing more than to be a normal wizard. As for adventure, it beckons him, just as it did his father. Along with being in the vast shadow of his father accomplishments, he feels the weight of those who have fallen at Harry’s expensive. Albus and his closet friend Scorpius will learn the hard way what happens when you mess with time.

An extremely relatable problem that Albus faces is the complications that come with friendship. When Albus first boards the Hogwarts Express, his destiny is changed forever when he meets Scorpius. Scorpius is the son of Draco Malfoy, but there are rumors that he may have a different origin. Some say that before the dark lord fell he created a child and rumor has it that Scorpius is that child. Although Albus is not bothered by this accusation, Harry is torn between ruining his son’s first real friendship and protecting him from his horrible past. Another friendship incident in the book which is very impactful to the story is Delphi’s betrayal. Albus and Scorpius trust her to guide them into the past and believe that she has good intentions only to have their trust thrown away and the dark lord almost return. Friendship is an invisible rope which holds us together. All through the previous books Harry and his friends scrape at the edges of death and are pulled through by the tight-rope of their friendship. There are millions of friendships across the globe, and this drama has taught me that no matter how hard it becomes, a good friend is something to fight for as they do not come along every day. I have faced hard times were just having the support of a good friend has helped me get through it.

A significant theme throughout the book which helped me create a connection to the character of Albus, and I found myself reliving his actions in my own life, was the idea of expectation.  Although the expectation is usually intended as a good thing, sometimes the pressure can result in failure. Albus experienced this throughout the script, as he is laden with reputations of the Potter name to fulfill.  Albus is plied with expectations and in the end, it becomes too much.  He fails the ultimate test when he is sorted into Slytherin House, the disbelief is felt by everyone including the reader, as Albus becomes the first one in his family to enter Slytherin. The bad decisions that Albus makes, are in my opinion forced by his need to belong and the weight of broken expectations on his shoulders.  This causes self-doubt which spirals him into rebellion in an attempt to earn his worth.  This is relatable to younger modern readers who constantly face the high expectations of their parents, in and out of their school lives. I have experienced self-doubt and the weight of expectations before entering my mock exams which I had to spend hours preparing for and was expected to perform at a high level. This culminated in me freezing up in one particular important exam, as the pressure of doing well overwhelmed me and ultimately resulted in an unsatisfactory result. Expectation can be a positive force that encourages you to believe in yourself as well to set high personal aspirations. This reminds me of the novel Sixteen Trees of Somme set in Norway. It is a story of an orphan coming of age and going on a journey of self-exploration to discover his inner person and his place in the world just as Albus did in the Cursed Child.

Reading Response 2 – Extended Text.


All the Light We Cannot See

Anthony Doerr

“All the light we cannot see” is a beautiful novel about a French girl who suffered from being blind and a young talented German boy, whose paths collide in occupied France as they both try to survive the devastation of World War Two. Marie-Laure has been blind since she was six and she lived in Paris until the invasion when she moved to Saint Malo, a small coastal town in France where her great-uncle lives. Werner, the young German boy, is from a dead-end town and wouldn’t have made it past the mines but he was lucky. He was selected to join the brutal Hitlers Youth Academy for his knack in radios. He had been deconstructing and rebuilding radios since he was a young boy and learned the art of radio technology and electronics. The enchanting storyline brings you along in their journeys while also helps to embed the characters into your heart with Doerr’s “stunning sense of physical detail and gorgeous metaphors” (San Francisco Chronicle).

The story is based on acceptance and appreciation that disability can be an ability. The idea that you could be weakened by something like blindness or deafness but strengthened in other compensating ways, creating a new and different experience of life. Throughout the book, Marie-Laure never sees herself as anything less than any other person and believes that her disability can be used to her advantage. Marie-Laure’s father builds models of Paris and Saint-Malo to allow her to navigate throughout the city unaccompanied. Sight becomes no longer necessary as she uses her heightened senses of touch and hearing to her advantage and to escape when the Germans come looking for her. This opens the gate to an independent lifestyle without the constant need for a caregiver and the opportunity to navigate the world on her own. This independence only gradually develops as her doting father was always around so she relied heavily on him and it wasn’t until he was gone that she matured and developed her confidence. I have not had any personal experience with a blind person but my sister suffers dyslexia and struggles with reading and writing on a daily basis. What my family and I have come to discover is that she is very creative and has a conceptual mind which benefits her greatly in other areas.

I connected to the character of Marie-Laure and appreciated her struggles but was impressed by her strengths even more and the emotional connection I had to her character provided me an engaging and heartfelt experience from the book. 

Reading Response 1 – Extended Text.



Erin Lange

The novel ‘BUTTER’ by Erin Lange is a story of a lonely obese adolescent in the harsh society of today. This novel highlights the issues today’s youth faces when using the internet in the harmful ways. An unfortunate encounter with his childhood bully causes the main character to indulge in a whole pound of butter, therefore earning him the nickname “Butter”. Butter doesn’t have many friends and spends a lot of time alone but he plans to turn this around and make history. “Watch as I eat myself to death – live on the internet – tune in if you can stomach it”.

One of the many ideas portrayed in ‘BUTTER’ is the multitude of problems arising with the internet. The ability to communicate instantly and universally creates many different social issues including 24/7 bullying and peer pressure. In the novel, Butter sets up his website stating that others could join in, comment and interact while he prepares to eat himself to death and by doing so he opens the gate to further and around the clock bullying and pressure. He was relentlessly insulted and even encouraged by his peers to commit suicide. Butter is one of the millions around the world suffering from the internet’s harmful effects. The world is evolving so fast that there is no time to establish effective boundaries and rules. Kids have grown up with parents telling them it’s bad to talk while eating, never to swear, to eat with proper manners but the world has overlooked the internet, the one sole thing with the worst effects. I have had personal events where I have been affected by the internet and the absence of guidance has played a big part in my life. The lack of limitations and extremely magnified reality in social media is also seen to have caused serious effects in the controversial TV series ’13 Reasons Why’. The main character ends up killing herself as a result of multiple extreme sources of bullying mainly prominent on social media.

I feel that I have connected with the character Butter as I too have been bullied about my appearance. In previous years of my schooling people used to call me names and make fun of skinny body as a joke at my expense. This helped me to feel emotionally connected to the situation that Butter was experiencing and this, in turn, caused me to be more engaged in the novel.  Although I have only experienced bullying on a very minimal level the way the kids treated Butter and the way many other kids are treated across the world because of their genetic appearance or for any reason, changed my approach to how I interact online and with my peers.

The interpersonal connection I felt with Butter caused me to become more engaged and enhanced the experience. The relevant issues also are seen in the book began a changed lifelong approach to social media and how I interact with it.

Poem Analysis.

Percy Shelley’s “Ozymandias”

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert… near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.[4]

1). Name one language feature effect used in the poem?



“Colossal wreck, boundless and bare”


Shelly uses hyperbole to communicate the overlying effect of hubris in the poem. The broken man out in the desert tells a story of his life which he led with self-confidence and now he has nothing.



Speech – Freedom of Speech needs some limitations.

“Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend people.” Freedom of speech is an entitlement for every human being, no matter if you’re rich or poor, young or old. As individuals, we are all different. Every person holds a different opinion and it’s their right to express it. We are able to voice what we’re thinking and in the perfect world, others would take in our views, no matter what they think of them, and respect how we think. But there is a limit where our opinion can become just plain negative and insulting. This is why there is going to have to be some limitations on our “freedom of thinking”, no matter how contradictory that sounds.

The sad thing is that in our present society the only answer which is satisfactory to everybody is that we have changed the definition of freedom of speech. We have changed our way of expressing ourselves. Our freedom of saying anything no longer stands. Most people have mental barriers in order to keep things to themselves for the sake of others. Yet we have also become so intolerant, especially on social media. We act as if we are constantly in a furious debate and are so desperate to win. I see this for myself almost on a daily basis, someone takes a disliking to another person’s post and proceeds to leave criticism and disparage others with the belief that only their opinion is right. This sparks a never ending debate with only spreads hatred and hostility which leaves us wondering why we ever bothered to say anything at all. This goes against to the idea of freedom of speech and yet the issue was created by the freedom of speech itself.

Hatred takes energy’, and it’s also unpleasant, so why waste our energy by proving ourselves right to any extent by insulting others. The younger generations are less open minded and feel more insecure expressing their ideas than ever before because of the almost enviable backlash they will receive against their opinion. This is created by the unlimited freedom of speech.

As a society, we need to move forward and accept the fundamentals of Freedom of Speech, respect the opinions of others and live with acceptance. A wise anonymous once said “Freedom of speech is every being’s fundamental right but unfortunately, today, some people are using it to propagandize aggressiveness, intolerance, and enmity. Every person should be given the right to express but before expressing; it’s their responsibility to have set some limits.” These words outline my most prominent point that we need to set limits on freedom of speech but the big question is who sets them? The Government, Police, the individual? There is not one straight answer to this question and as I have been saying this my opinion, it all comes down to circumstance. If the unlimited negative expression is taking place on a social media site then it becomes the responsibility of the site to monitor and ensure the safety of its users. Whereas if the situation becomes face to face, as individuals we need to learn to have limits, a line which we are not to cross. This leads on to the government’s role, they could set some guidelines to clarify any transparency which is left.

I am not arguing that we should revoke the right of freedom of speech. I support the fact that one should have complete ability to voice their ideas and opinions as ideas spark innovation and progress. On the other hand, it is equally wrong to spread hatred, to treat other fellow human beings differently, in the name of freedom of speech. This is why I believe that there is an urgent need for some limitations on how we go about communicating otherwise by allowing free speech we create an opportunity for people with extremist views such as racism to incite violence against minorities leading to the rise of a fascist state, such as the rise of Hilter.

I would like to leave you on a note of J.K Rowling’s words, Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.

Lord of the Flies.


The basis of the book, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, finds all of the horrible aspects of society and links it back to original human nature. We follow the group of English school boys as they lose their humanity and minds and we are constantly reminded of our capacity for violence. A prominent example of this in the text is the part where Simon has a fit and believes that the pig head on the stick, recently killed by Jack and his gang of hunters, spoke to him and refereed to itself as the Lord of the Flies. “Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill […] you knew didn’t you, I’m part of you. Close. close. close. I’m the reason why it’s no go why things are what they are.” It is highly likely that Golding is conveying that the speaking pig head of Simon’s imagination is representing the moral decay and waking hunger for violence and death of the boys on the island. The Lord of the flies, also known as Beelzebub, meaning the devil.

The continual decay of the boys is shown in two main ways. The first being all of the falling throughout the book, the boys falling out of the sky in the plane, the rock falling into the jungle off the cliff, the parachuter falling into the trees from the sky, the conch falling and breaking and most importantly Piggy falling off the rock and Ralph falling at the navy mans feet. These all emphasis the falling of human kind and civilization. The second is the loss of Piggy’s sight and it comes as loss of reason. Jack takes the glasses in order to a make fire for his feast, disregarding the signal fire which needs to be lit, it represents the transition from reason to savagery.


William is linking the small society of the island back to human society in the world and using small scale events and characters to represent larger constitutions in the outside world. The demoralization of the boys because of loss of law and order only barely measure the effects of the same conditions would have on the world.


Object Analysis


  • How is it described/introduced in the text?
  • How is it used? It is a signal beacon for passing ships as a sign of life on the island in hope that it will come and rescue them. The boys relied on it for any hope of survival.
  • Find quotes where it is mentioned?
  • What ideas does it convey? The fire is symbolizing civilization and the children’s hope of being rescued. Ralph grasps to keep the fire going as he believes so strongly as it’s their only hope. When the fire is disregarded by Jack and his group they are throwing out civilization.

Pig Head.

  • How is it described/introduced in the text?
  • How is it used? It is stabbed by a two ended stick and stuck in the ground by the hunters as a gift for the beast.
Character analysis.

Name: Ralph

Appearance: Fair Hair, Male, Young, Taller than Piggy, Past Childhood, Boxers Body.

Language: “Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things.”

Origins: English Countryside.


  • with Piggy ( intellect and reason ) : cooperative relationship.
  • with Jack ( competitive / rival ) : evil.

“Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us.”

“Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.”

“We did everything adults would do. What went wrong?”

“The rules!” shouted Ralph, “you’re breaking the rules!”
“Who cares?”

“The thing is – fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream.”

Quote weaving.

The boys try to establish order but without adults or a higher power they are always “breaking the rules!”. They did everything the “adults would do” yet they still feel into a state of savagery.

Practice Exam. Not Finished.

Question 1: Describe at least one important object in the written text. Explain why that object was important.

In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the main theme finds all of the horrible aspects of society and links it back to original human nature, this is portrayed through the important object, the pig’s head on the stick. Throughout the novel, Golding imposes little clues and symbols conveying that as the boys spend more time away from civilization and as they lose their humanity, original human nature comes through and they turn to violence and savagery.

The important object in the text revolves around the idea of the boys living in a small scale society but without rules or laws they quickly descend into savagery, and the pig’s head on the stick is this center of this symbolism. In Chapter 9 when Simon has a fit and believes that the pig’s head stabbed upon the stick, recently killed by Jack and his gang of hunters, spoke to him and referred to itself as the Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the flies, also known as Beelzebub, meaning the devil which is Golding placing a large clue towards the intentions of the scene. The Lord of the Flies goes on to say “Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill […] you knew didn’t you, I’m part of you. Close. close. close. I’m the reason why it’s no go why things are what they are.” This shows that Golding is conveying that the speaking pig head of Simon’s imagination is representing the moral decay and waking hunger for violence and death of the boys on the island.

Now and Then.


Morning and afternoon on private land in front of my house.



The rough underbelly of my shoe brushes against the tips of the pebbles as I make my way across them. They do not move to make a path for me, only sit, still as stone, waiting for their crushing fate. I continue on, past the cold, dull stone chair, iced as if it’s a cake with crispy moss and roots. As my feet reach the edge of the patio, I pause, taking in harsh breaths of freezing air that nips cruelly at my naked ankles. They are left, tingling, blushing a deep red, embarrassed by all the attention. Moving on, I step out onto the white strectch of the recoiling blades of trimmed grass. It suffocates it, blocking all light, a net of white, crisp covering which forms over the hours of darkness before. Their fine blades fail to pierce the coat of white which drapes across the ocean of green. I glance around, previously oblivious to the gentle giants which stand, cowering down at me. They are covered by a layer of frost, much like the grass which I crossed before. Crimson pointed ovals shade the light, and as I walk further, glances of bright yellow flicker across my eyes and face. Blinded, I stumble over the roots that snake beneath me. Sharp sticks grab out at me, but I swat at them and they shrink back into the piles of decaying life on the side of the path. I am suddenly distracted by the plume of mist floating out in front of me, joined by another and another. Desperate swirls of breath fight their way out into the world, escaping my body. My face has gone numb, a timid stream of liquid creeps out of my nostrils. As my hair scrapes on my forehead, I feel so calm. Smells are unable to reach my nose, the air is thin, the sky stretches above me, infinitely still.  


The pebbles still lay, awaiting me. Only now they are covered in a thin sheet of clear water. They shimmer in the dark, dusty light. Small sections catch my attention as I pass by, beaming a stream of color across me. I pass the same chair as I did only hours before, and it now rests, its true colors coming through the mass of vibrant moss and roots. Pockets of different grays peek through like nervous eyes, cautiously surveying the outside world. Past that, the ocean of green now stands tall, no longer cowering under a sheet of darkness. Each blade has joyously extended their length to the sky. Droplets of the former coating struggle to stay as the heat of the day targets them. Those left, balance delicately on their own chosen blade. In only a matter of hours, the force has switched sides to that of the grass. Once again I carry on, the same giants gather around me, but they are accompanied by smell this time. An early fire has been lit, the smog drifts into the trees, mixing with the damp smell of rotting leaves at my feet. The Giants, enlivened by the sunlight, stand much taller, looming over me with ambition. The elegant ovals descend down towards me, brushing and dislodging others as they continue their desent towards the ground. My footsteps are now accompanied by an oozing sludge of fallen leaves. I trek through, dredging up the deep, dark depths of mixed dirt and sticks. The forest is so full of smells and sights, damp smoke creeps up my body and into my nostrils, filling my head, my throat becomes itchy and the coughs tumble out. My skin is on edge, body alive, trees point towards the sky, now with multiple clouds draping across its expanse, infinitely moving. 


Practice Writing Exercises.

Describe The Picture ( Simple Sentences ).
  • The man drags a trailer along the street.
  • Buildings stretch up either side of him.
  • The man walks along the margin of the road.
  • There is litter all over the ground.
The man…
  • The man looks up to his right.
  • The man drags an old trailer behind him.
  • He dresses in a suit.
  • The man is all alone.
Relative Clause
  • The man, who drags an old trailer behind him, is all alone.

The boy gets out of bed in the cold June morning. The sun shone through the open curtains. The carpet scratched at his bare feet. He shivers as the cold air hits his body. Downstairs he hears his mother.

Subordinate Clauses

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.

  • It was a bright cold day in April.
  • The clocks were striking thirteen.
  • Winston Smith’s chin nuzzled into his breast.
  • He is trying to escape the vile wind.
  • He slips quickly through the doors of Victory Mansions.
  • He was not quick enough to prevent the swirl of gritty dust.
Cold, hard steel which scrapes and grinds as the loop pushes into the hole, securing the item. The numbers click round as it is closed. It rattles as it is moved. LOCK


Corruption of power and degenerating effects upon Macbeth.

In the Shakespearean play Macbeth, Shakespeare is using the main character Macbeth to communicate the degenerating effects which corruption of power can have on a person. As the play advances, more and more evidence of Macbeth’s degenerating mind.
Act 4 Scene 1.

Act 4 Scene 1 is the turning point of Macbeth’s logical sanity. This is the scene where The Three Witches are stirring a cauldron and Hecate enters followed closely by Macbeth. The witches give Macbeth his prophecy and he vows to himself that “From this moment, the very firstlings of my heart shall be, the firstlings of my hand.”. He is going to do whatever he likes whenever he likes. While losing his logic Macbeth is losing his hope. Macbeth began as a smart, gallant warrior and as the power has flowed through his veins and gushed into mind, he has become ignorant and foolish. The first act of Macbeths new found foolishness is killing his close friends whole family, Macduff’s family.

Act 2 Scene 1.

Shakespeare is trying to illustrate the effects of doing evil deeds upon a person such as the in Act 2 Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, Macbeth sees a dagger floating in front of him just before he is going to go into King Duncan’s chamber to murder him. He begins to talk directly to the dagger and tries to reach out to grab yet he cannot touch it because it is “a dagger of the mind”. This quote, through the use of metaphor, is telling us that by murdering King Duncan, he is stabbing his mind and usually, when we are stabbed we die. This could be signifying that the murder will eventually lead Macbeth’s death, either his sanity will drive him over the edge or everything that he does afterward will come back to bite him. Given that the play is a tragedy, dead is obvious throughout the play. At this stage of the play, it is becoming obvious that the idea of murder and prophecy from the witches is driving Macbeth crazy. This dagger of the mind is a “false creation” which Macbeth’s mind is tricking him into seeing into his mental state. This is Shakespeare showing the inner turmoil and feelings of horror about the murder he is about to commit. Us human beings experience the same when we do things which they are not comfortable with or things against our morals. The mind is such a complex thing that human can never truly forgive themselves, it rolls thoughts over and over and even subtle things can overwhelm a person.

Act 1 Scene 5

The first glimpses of the eventual annihilated Macbeth appear in Act 1, Scene 5. Macbeth is turning over thoughts and worries after encountering the witches and derived the prophecy. He writes ahead to Lady Macbeth, at this point in a wonder of what she will say. Macbeth’s inner turmoil is beginning to bubble and simmer. By the time he arrives home, his mind has shifted to dark ambitions.

Dramatic Irony

Dramatic Irony is a prominent effect which Shakespeare has used throughout the play to transfer insight into the play. It is the key to the suspence in the crowd, it is the way which Shakespeare captives the crowd. A example in the play is the